1213 Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and in the word. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213)
Baptisms at St. Peter Church are celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 12:30 p.m. Please browse our FAQs below for answers to frequently asked questions, or contact the Parish Office by phone at (732) 892-0049 or by email at [email protected] for assistance. Thank you, and we welcome the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with your family!
If you are looking at this page because of a newborn baby in your family, allow us to offer our congratulations! God has blessed you with a child, or maybe more than one, and we are very happy and very excited for you! Rest assured we welcome the opportunity to celebrate your child’s Baptism here at St. Peter Church.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church and some particulars concerning the celebration of Baptisms here at St. Peter Church.
You can begin by filling out the Baptism Request Form (available above) and submitting it electronically. Someone from our Parish Office will then contact you. If you prefer, you may also call the parish office at (732) 892-0049 to request that your child be Baptized. The parish secretary will assist you.
Baptisms are celebrated at St. Peter on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 12:30 p.m.
In order to have your child Baptized here at St. Peter’s Church you need to be a registered member of the parish. If you are a registered and active member of another parish, we would need a letter of permission from your Pastor in order to celebrate your child's Baptism at St. Peter Church.
There is a form you can download on our website or you can come to the Parish office from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. Monday-Thursday.
If there are special circumstances (for example, grandparents or family who are registered parishioners) you would need to request the permission of the Pastor of your home parish to have the Baptism here. Without that written permission we are not authorized to have your Baptism at St. Peter’s.
Sponsor forms and the child’s birth certificate must be received by our parish office before a date for your child's baptism can be finalized. If this is the first time you are Baptizing a child in the Catholic Church, you will need to participate in Baptism Preparation. After submitting your Baptism Request Form, someone from the Parish Office will contact you by email.
If you are a first time parent, you will need to participate in our Baptismal Preparation Program. It is designed to help parents in their role as the first and best teachers of our faith to their children. Someone from the Parish Office will contact you with further information after you have submitted your Baptism Request Form.
Yes. Godparents, also called Baptism sponsors, need to be practicing Catholics who are willing to assume this important role in the child’s life. Being a Godparent is more than an honorary title. When someone agrees to be a Godparent, it means that they are pledging to always play a significant and positive role in all aspects of the child's life, but especially their spiritual life. The Godmother and Godfather should to be firm believers in Jesus Christ who are able and ready to help the newly Baptized, whether a child or an adult, on the road of living a Catholic/Christian life. Here are the requirements to be a Godparent according to Church Law:
A godparent must be at least 16 years of age, Baptized and Confirmed, be a practicing Catholic who attends Mass and receives the Sacraments on a regular basis, and if married, married by a Catholic priest or deacon.
The godparents cannot be a parent of the child being Baptized.
Only one Godparent is required. If there are two, then one is to be a man who is the godfather and the other a woman who is the godmother.
Yes. If the Godparents are members of St. Peter Parish, they will need to submit and sign a godparent/sponsor certificate. If the Godparent(s) are members of another Catholic church, they must contact their parish to request a sponsor eligibility certificate from the parish where they are currently registered and regularly attending Mass.
If your friend or family member is a Baptized Christian, then (s)he may participate in the ceremony and act as a Christian Witness. For this to be possible, there must also be one Catholic godparent as outlined above. To be a Christian Witness, the person must be a validly baptized Christian, at least 16 years old, living an upright life, but cannot be either a parent of the one being Baptized, nor a Catholic who was Baptized Catholic and/or has left the Catholic Church.
No. The role of the Godparent and/or the Christian Witness is to give witness and example to the faith that the child is being Baptized into. The person may be able to be a positive role model in other areas, but in this crucial area of a lived faith the non-Baptized person simply cannot be that person for the newly baptized. In addition, as part of the Baptismal ceremony the Godparents (sponsors) and Christian Witnesses will renew the promises made at their own Baptisms. A non-Baptized person will not be able to renew promises they have never made.
No. Someone who was Baptized Catholic cannot act as a Christian Witness. A Christian Witness is someone who was Baptized into another Christian faith (Lutheran, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc.)
No. There must be at least one Catholic godparent.
Yes, and we are happy that you are considering doing this for your child. It is essential though, as with all families, that the parents be models of the faith, even with our faults and failings, for their child(ren) and agree to raise their son/daughter as a Catholic and as they grow older, help them practice their faith.
Of course you can.